Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.

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Technology Meets Design

The Brand New Android LG Nexus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a massa sapien. Praesent non sem vitae tortor ornare dictum id sed eros. Morbi vehicula luctus finibus aliquet sed metus commodo, tempor hendrerit accumsan.

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Fully Responsive Design

This Template Is Fully Responsive - Resize Your Screen To See It In Action Read More

New Smart Watches

The Latest Smartwear Is Looking Great Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a massa sapien. Praesent non sem vitae tortor ornare dictum id sed eros. Morbi vehicula luctus finibus aliquet sed metus commodo, tempor hendrerit accumsan.

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Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque tristique eros nec sodales consequat. Cras pretium aliquam malesuada. Etiam a consectetur lorem, at commodo magna. Pellentesque iaculis dapibus augue et porta.


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Suspendisse ornare nulla sit amet ex mattis aliquam. In orci arcu, consectetur sit amet vestibulum quis, pretium quis risus. Sed ultrices massa velit, nec convallis augue faucibus eget. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus enim nulla, consequat et ipsum nec, sollicitudin dolor.

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The New Smart Light Bulbs

Curabitur neque libero, interdum eget posuere ac, tincidunt non mauris. Sed porta ut libero et sollicitudin. Donec sagittis mauris at neque malesuada, in nisi id ullamcorper feugiat, arcu nisl consequat leo, non lorem ipsum ele ate ultrices mi est in lectus dignissim sem consequat.

  • 01Download the installation package from our download section.
  • 02Once the download is complete go to the backend of Joomla.
  • 03Navigate through your menu system to Extensions/Extensions Manager.
  • 04Once at the installation screen click the browse button and navigate to where you downloaded the template file.
  • 05Once you have the file selected click 'Upload File and Install'
  • The template is now installed, now let's set it as the default template:

  • 06Navigate through your menu system to Extensions/Template Manager.
  • 07Find the radio button next to the newly installed template.
  • 08Click on the Default button at the top right of the screen and you're done!
The info slide script is a great way to display your content to your customers! It will place a sliding text box over any image on the page. It can be placed inside of content or modules. It will also automatically adjust to any size screen size on window resize. See below for a demonstration. In the backend of Vertex you can pick between a javascript only version or a pure css version.

Javascript Version

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

CSS Version Default

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

CSS Version 1

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

CSS Version 2

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

CSS Version 3

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

CSS Version 4

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

Example Slide

This is dummy text. You can add any text or html markup here.

CSS Version 5

Example Title

Example Title

CSS Version 6

Example Title

Example Title

CSS Version 7


Example Slide

You can add any text or html markup here.

Example Slide

You can add any text or html markup here.

CSS Version 8

Example Slide

You can add any text or html markup here.

Example Slide

You can add any text or html markup here.

CSS Version 9

Example Slide

You can add any text or html markup here.

Example Slide

You can add any text or html markup here.

CSS Version 10


Example Slide

You can add any text or html markup here.

Example Slide

You can add any text or html markup here.

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1. Search Setup

  • Simply publish a search module to the custom_2 position.

2. Column Menu Setup

  • Publish any menu module to the main body module positions on your site.
  • There should be no menu style suffixes applied under advanced parameters.
  • The menu style should be set to list.

3. Bottom Menu Setup

  • Publish any menu to the 'bottom_menu' position.
  • There are no menu style suffixes applied under advanced parameters.
  • The menu style should be set to list

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Responsive Design Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et laoreet metus. Lorem ipsum alet amet integer leas singe lorem aenean quis molli.
Dozens of Positions Nullam laoreet velit ut mi rutrum maximus. Vivamus nec augue quis lorem feugiat congue. Fusce id magna vitae turpis hendrerit aliquam congue quis.
Vertex4 Framework Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et laoreet metus. Lorem ipsum alet amet integer leas singe lorem aenean quis molli.
Easy Configuration Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et laoreet metus. Lorem ipsum alet amet integer leas singe lorem aenean quis molli.
Google Fonts Nullam laoreet velit ut mi rutrum maximus. Vivamus nec augue quis lorem feugiat congue. Fusce id magna vitae turpis hendrerit aliquam congue quis.
Custom Colors Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et laoreet metus. Lorem ipsum alet amet integer leas singe lorem aenean quis molli.